Version 0.73 (Shoichi Good/Medium Path) - Public Release

Good morning,

Bringing you guys the latest Shoichi update. As I mentioned to people on Patreon, I had to choose between cutting a scene out at the end or rushing it. As it is quite the important scene, I decided it would be best to cut it a bit short, as this is definitely not a scene I can allow to be rushed or done improperly. Still, I think the update speaks for itself and lays good groundwork, especially considering the route that it's on. Do keep in mind this isn't an update for Shoichi's bad path (the one that the last Shoichi update covered).

Important disclaimer: In case there is an issue that causes older player saves to stop working, there really is nothing that can be done about that. Sometimes, changes are made to the code that makes some/all old saves stop working and I can't avoid making them at times. If that happens, use the 'Skip to Next Choice' function (alongside Skip Unread if needed) to get to the point where you stopped.


  • New arm variation for Shoichi's sprite (clutching arm)
  • New day for Shoichi (good/mid only)

I hope you all enjoy this update! If you liked the game, consider supporting me on Patreon, it's what pays my bills as well as completely funds the development of the Tennis Ace.

See you all again for the next update!


Tennis Ace 0.73 - PC 361 MB
94 days ago
Tennis Ace 0.73 - Mac 356 MB
94 days ago
Tennis Ace 0.73 - Android 373 MB
94 days ago

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Oh... Sho has a new look!  More defined!  I uh... haven't touched this since last year... And animated! :D

Salmon! <3

That certainly is my ongoing conundrums, I wish to help, I wish to do right, I do not wish to be pushy or pressuring, yet it never ends up EVER mattering, gentle OR firm! Loud OR silent!  Ignoring it doesn't help either!  So what he hell am I ever supposed to do if even shutting up solves nothing!  People aren't mind readers but boy even when you are direct they still miss the mark! ARG! @.@  Can try to not get involved, yet one way or another I am involved because the situations by extension impact me too, maybe not right away, but I want to give a damn! *sigh*

DAMN! was not expecting that!  Yet that where up above leads one way or another something explosive...  When those who SAY they CARE, but never actually give a damn, because "its in your best interest" and push you around into their own ways!...  Far form supportive if the focus is only ever on what THEY want... grrr...  nothing worse than having pent up anger being given direction no matter who it is... ugg... and the vacuum form the one forcibly even of own accord doing all the work vacant...  I all around hate people who force their own agenda on others!... it happens WAY more often than we may realize, we just tend to bend to it in effort to be nice or even mutual interest, so there is no consistent line...  No bending though means no society, so some is required.  Its a right headache!  God I'm snarling over this... how can even our great big "Family" be the one to pull these kinds of things when the PROMISE was to free us of it???  So much for being accepting as advertised.  Ugg... advertised, makes us sound like marketable wares... oh wait that does indeed line up with things going on... and so where is it genuine and where is it self serving? Gah...  And that too I fear myself for how far I feel compelled to fight back, last thing I want is for innocents to get hurt, BUT if nothing is done innocents ARE getting hurt anyway!!!  Can't go turning a damn blind eye to ETHIER SIDE!  Can't go too far, yet it seems like anything less won't get any sort of message across.  And it all started with people refusing to deal with their own problems, and being given outs or outlets that never address the issues themselves.  The worst things aren't what we see, its what we are not seeing behind them as the driving force. It pretty damn annoying for me to go off like this, but his whole situation is too picture perfect of so much that is wrong and ignored.  Restoring reasoning and rationally, god do we have got to get away from entitlement!

Rushed media and rushed projects brought to you by those who say they support you!  All cause they want to to 1 up things! *screams*

She is not wrong, but his what happens when you let a situation fester or get out of hand, the extremes emerge!!!  People are already suffering and you are going to make them suffer more??? Yet if you do nothing they WILL still suffer!  At least in this case no one is going to forcibly DIE!  Unless choice... but ugg... that is maddening in of itself!!!

Ugg.. I hate going off here, but this is my frustrations of many societal issues this is my buried anger and resentment, over how we could ever let things get so far.  So far that the reason for things coming into existence is no longer the reason they still exist.  Everything is getting overwritten somehow...  and I'm just sad knowing there is nothing I can do about it.

Just downloaded the recent 0.74 update (Keisuke) but continued with Soichi's paths, Just hope Yuu hasn't put his foot in it under the good and mid versions from when it ends. 




Mannnn I know shoichi is pathetic, but don't blame him for that, he probably got manipulated by his damn father to have such a mindset like that... STILL CANT WAIT TO SEE WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN ROUTE A 🤞🤞


I really don't like how everything is progressing with Sho xd he's literally so incapable of anything; it infuriates me... 

Not only that, in this part I really hated how everyone was accusing Yuu for doing something, they said ¨he shouldn't do absolutely anything¨ but damn that's a really terrible lesson. Also, Keisuke's whole speech was a bit off. 

Idk, it felt like "If you care about someone, just don't do anything, think about the consequences" but it's the same consequences even if you don't intervene xd In that situation, Yuu should definitely give Sho an ultimatum or something because damn.


holly stars, this is really spinning out of anyone's  control. I knew that it was not going to be an easy route, but damn if this isn't getting worse .

I feel like I should feel bad about shoichi, since hes a victim, but that's  damn hard when  he's also part of the problem. those people need therapy, lots of it.

thanks for the amazing update, got my anxiety spinkin', but it was amazing.

see ya

Can't wait to play this over the next few weeks, can't wait to see happens on the good, medium and bad sides of Soichi's routes.


Even Shoichi good route is toxic. I feel bad for Yuu for dealing with such a fickle weak willed pathetic man for a bf. (don't get me wrong I LOVE this drama just still). I hope for the best but my new fav route has def changed 


Taechiko when I catch you >:C


Damn... it was small, but intence. I'm KINDA glad that things turned out the way they did buuut the general line "what's better for him" thoughout this route keeps giving me a headache


you should make a walkthrough since not everyone can remember what choice they should make to pick the route 

(1 edit) (+6)

Go there it's a post with a google sheet walk-through made from a fan that study the game scenario:

Thanks for sharing this with people. I've had to make a couple corrections in the past, thanks to Basket correcting some incorrect info I had at one point, but it contains everything you'll need to get things done.