Good afternoon, Guess I'm a bit late posting this public update. I thought for sure today was the 14th day after posting, but I've been told it was yesterday. T...
Good afternoon, Bringing you guys the new Haruki update about a day (more like 15~16 hours) late. There was a storm yesterday bad enough to trigger disaster war...
Good evening, I'm bringing you guys the latest Keisuke update real quick. I was pretty happy with this one, and hope you guys will be too. A little date with Ke...
Good morning, Bringing you guys the latest Shoichi update. As I mentioned to people on Patreon, I had to choose between cutting a scene out at the end or rushin...
Good afternoon, Pretty short and sweet description here. I had fun with this update, though I had to truncate the ending of it a bit to get it released in time...
Good afternoon, Since the update was about three and a half days late on Patreon, I tried to match that with the countdown into making it public. This one only...
Just a quick little update, Seems when I posted version 0.70, I forgot to hit the Save button after uploading and tagging the files. So while the files for the...
Good afternoon, A bit late on posting this one since I had company over the weekend and didn't get to it until now. Important disclaimer: In case there is an is...
3 files
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